satanism today and tomorrow

A Unique Opportunity for Satanism



1. The role of marginal minorities in history

We, Satanists, are a marginal minority in the society. However, it does not mean that we are going to remain so forever. In history, we can find some cases when the ideas that had been supported by a small minority suddenly changed the world and became the basis for a new ruling ideology. Frankly speaking, it was not in all aspects positive for those ideas, because they underwent simplification and profanation on the way. Nevertheless, would not we prefer to live in a society based on principles that are Satanic to some extent? At least, if we see an opportunity to build such a society, we should not miss it. Especially if we take into account that such opportunities are very rare even by the historic scale; they arise once in more than one thousand years. Remember that Christians also had been an oppressed catacomb religion in its beginning, but when they got a chance, they used it to the maximum extent. This is what we should learn from them.

Serious reasons existed for a new religion, which would attract millions of followers, to appear exactly at that time and place — on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea. The details of cults can be casual and often silly; why, for example, should the son of god be crucified? where did the strange idea of the trinity come from? Such criticism could be addressed to any other religion as well; they all contain many doubtful and ambiguous points. The details of the new religion could be totally random, but the time and place of its birth certainly were not.

Instead of replacing the dying Phoenician cults, the new Christian religion stayed in underground in the beginning. This was a consequence of the fact that the Greco-Roman civilization was still viable at that moment. By the end of 2nd century CE, the Christians still were few by the percentage in the population and even seemed to be losing the rivalry with the other cults that originated in the East, such as Mithraism.

However, the occupation of Judea meant that the whole Roman empire absorbed the consequences of the collapse of the old Judean culture. By the moment when the Roman civilization was experiencing its own fatal crisis (since 3rd century CE), it already was penetrated with the structures of the new religion, which gave birth to two new civilizations — the Western Christian and the Orthodox Christian. Due to its young age and radical difference from the ideas of the past, Christianity managed to defeat the older cults of Mithra, Sibyls, etc.
/'The Birth of Christianity' by K.Pankratov/

This example shows us that at certain pivotal points of history, an oppressed marginal movement can overthrow the religion of the establishment, if the members of this movement are working actively on it, not just complaining about the low popularity of their ideas.

The case of Christianity is not unique in history. Buddhism too had been a marginal minority originally; its way from caves into palaces took more than one thousand years and was not easy. The success of Buddhism became possible due to a unique opportunity that arose during the fatal crisis of the old Chinese civilization. Only once in its history Buddhism got such a chance — and used it.

Needless to say that a formerly marginal idea cannot get popularity among the majority without being altered to some extent. However, important is that a friendly environment for this idea is created so. It means that, for example, if Satanism became a leading ideology on some territory, Satanists in the strict sense would still remain a minority there — but a respectable minority instead of an oppressed one.


2. Civilization and its base ideology

Just becoming popular or official is not enough for an ideology to form the basis of a new civilization. What is also necessary is the following:
1) to have some support from the middle class and the poor, not only from officials and the rich;
2) to be able to stand for itself in case of war;
3) to be economically feasible.

It is not easy to satisfy all these criteria; many ideologies collapsed early due to a failure in only one aspect.

For example, the first attempt to establish a monotheistic religion was made by the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten in 14th century BCE. Despite its great success in the beginning, the new faith was abolished immediately after Akhenaten's death. It came that only a small circle of officials and priests had been really supporting the new cult; most people considered it a weird idea of the insane pharaoh and were glad to see the return of the old good gods.

However, even a wide support from the masses does not guarantee a success. It is not enough to establish a new ideology; sometimes it is needed to defend it against a stronger enemy. The Albigensians and the Aztecs failed to do so.

Nevertheless, the most common area of failure for a new ideology is the economy. Usually it happens because the new ideology imposes an economically disadvantageous lifestyle on its followers. The recent case of the Soviet system, which was the first attempt to build a society based on a non-religious ideology, is analyzed below. A less known, but even more illustrative, example is the Manichean religion, which was once widespread in the Central Asia but completely disappeared shortly afterward.

In 766, the khan ordered to banish all Nestorian Christian preachers; after this, not only the khan and officials, but most of the people converted to Manichaeism. The new religion required from its followers to abstain from eating meat and forced the nomadic Uighur folk to start growing vegetables. So the first permanent settlements were built in Uighuria, and its capital, Baybalyk, looked like a real city.

Manichean priests created the Uighur alphabet based on the Sogdian one. However, as soon as Manichaeism became the official religion, it showed bitter hostility to other beliefs. Despite of the fact that Mani in his texts treated Buddha and Christ with respect, both Buddhism and Christianity were brutally suppressed in the khanate, and their temples were destroyed.

In 780 the Manichean clergy made a coup d'état; the power was taken by the Elect, who, according to Mani's canon, should not do anything but praying. Terror against the "infidels" reached its highest point; as the chronicle says: "Everywhere on Earth the good ones were protected and the evil ones annihilated." It ended with a total collapse: the unsuitable type of agriculture caused soil erosion and frequent sandstorms, while the hostility to other religions turned all neighbors into enemies of the Uighurs.

In the middle of 9th century, the weakened Uighur state became a battlefield between the Chinese and the Kyrgyz; the Uighurs were almost exterminated. The remains of this formerly mighty folk had to flee from their homelands and abolish Manichaeism in favor of Buddhism.
/'Manichaeism as a Post-Modern Religion' by S.Bolotnikov/

Therefore, only a few ideologies that pretend to become the basis for a new civilization can manage to build a viable society. But as soon as a new civilization has appeared, it shows great stability even against a conquest of entire its territory by another folk. For example, the conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great did not lead to a fall of Zoroastrianism in favor of the Greek religion. When Greece itself was conquered by the Romans, surprisingly the winners accepted the religion of the defeated, not vice versa. The same also happened several times to the folks who were taking over China.

As long as the base ideology satisfies the needs of its society, the civilization remains viable and stable. It can be extending its territory and "civilizing" the "barbarians" around, or assimilating the "barbarians" that have conquered it. At the border between two civilizations, often a disputed zone appears that repeatedly passes from hand to hand, but a real change of inter-cultural borders happens rarely, because they are borders not just between states, but between different worldviews.

Religion is the basis of civilization, its "operating system". As religion I mean not just a set of theological doctrines and rituals, but a set of concepts underlying people's worldview, traditions and culture. Though culture is not strictly determined by its religion, the main concepts of this culture are strongly related to people's religious views.

The evolution of religion keeps on going at any time, but at some moments also revolutionary changes happen, when a new civilization comes into the place of the old one. Strictly speaking, any religion lives longer than the civilization based on it; in some form it continues to exist inside the new civilization based on a different ideology. However, such a relict religion gradually decays and completely disappears after a while.
/'The Birth of Christianity' by K.Pankratov/

As we can see, any civilization controls its territory only as long as the worldview of people living on this territory is based on the base religion of this civilization. It does not mean that everybody is a follower of this religion; just that their culture is influenced by this religion to a large extent. However, sooner or later, people's mentality changes so much that the old base ideology is no longer adequate as the basis of the culture. The ideology, of course, also evolves with time, but it needs to keep the continuity of its traditions at least to some extent. This means that, by some moment, the ideology becomes obsolete for the changed mentality and culture of people.


3. The birth, development and death of civilizations

Having compared the timelines of known ancient cultures, we can see that the lifetime of a successful civilization is always longer than 1000 years, but never longer than 2000; most often, it is between 1200 and 1500.

For example, the Greco-Roman civilization as we know it, appeared first in 10th century BCE on the ruins of the old Minoan civilization. In 2nd century BCE, its center moved to Rome, which built an empire that included the whole area of the Greco-Roman civilization. In 3th century CE, the Greco-Roman civilization faced a fatal crisis and finally died in 4th century CE. Two new civilizations, the Western Christian and the Orthodox Christian, came onto its place.

Another civilization that left a significant track in the history of the Mediterranean region was the Phoenician one. The first records of the Phoenicians date back to 14th century BCE. They gradually extended their presence in the Mediterranean sea with trade colonies on all its coasts. One of those colonies, Carthage, subdued many other ones and so acquired the role of the main center of the Phoenician civilization. However, since both Phoenicia and Carthage had been conquered by other civilizations, they could not rise again. By 1st century CE, the Phoenician religion and language disappeared.

We also know the dates of the birth and death of another civilization, the Zoroastrian one. It appeared in 7th century BCE in Iran and spread onto Mesopotamia after the death of the neighboring Babylonian civilization. Though its territory was repeatedly devastated by conquerors from other civilizations, it did not undermine the rule of the Zoroastrian religion and culture. Anyway, nothing lasts forever; the Arabic conquest in 7th century CE was fatal for the Zoroastrians.

Now, let us return to the present time and observe the civilizations that divide the world among themselves today: the Western Christian, the Orthodox Christian, the Islamic and the Buddhist ones. We can see that they all are really old by historical scale. Seemingly the world is facing a global civilizational turnover, similar to the ones that happened in 14th-11th centuries BCE and 4th-7th centuries CE. This means that we should examine the existing civilizations for symptoms of an impending collapse.

What are the signs of a fatal crisis of civilization, its imminent end? We cannot consider any social or economic crises, even deep ones, to be such. This kind of decline is invertible. Every civilization experiences several such crises for its lifetime, when empires break down and formerly rich cultural centers get devastated; this does not entail a collapse of entire civilization. The symptoms that show an impending death of a civilization are more fundamental and related to its basis — the religion. This area is still not deeply studied, but we can mention the most obvious factors.

1) Erosion of the religion that formed the base for the civilization.
During the first centuries of the existence of a civilization, usually consolidation of religious groups that formed its origins and institutionalization of a single version of the base religion take place. Later, some schisms can happen, but the split groups still lie within the frame of the traditional religion (like different denominations of Protestantism and Islam). However, when the civilization approaches its end, more and more radically different, non-traditional groups appear; at the same time, foreign cults become popular.

This process looks like a river forming an estuary. For example, until 1st century CE, religious experiments of Greeks and Romans operated with the traditional gods and ideas only. After that time, the gods of other nations started to enter the Greco-Roman pantheon. The cults of Mithra and Sibyls, as well as Manichaeism and Christianity were finding more and more followers, while the traditional pantheon lost its popularity.

2) Spread of radical egalitarian, utopian ideas; mass exodus into alternative communes, avoiding participation in traditional social structures.
Seclusion and underground communities, as well as cults opposing the existing social order, exist almost at any time. However, in the final decades of a civilization they turn into real mass movements and start playing a decisive role in social life. We can see it in the example of Judea under the Roman rule: many preachers were wandering and propagandizing their ideas, and diverse sects attracted more and more people. One of such sects were the Essenes, which influenced much the early Christianity.

Later, with the crisis of the Greco-Roman civilization, the Christian and other underground communities spread in the whole Roman empire and attracted mass popularity by 3rd century CE. Nothing similar could be observed in the earlier periods of crises, such as the decline of Greece or the fall of the Roman republic.

Another example can be the spread of Mazdakism in the Persian empire. 6th century CE was the time of a fatal crisis of the Zoroastrian civilization, which ended with the rise of Islam. Just in the early 6th century CE Mazdakism, a mass radical movement for social equality and redistribution of wealth, appeared and rapidly gained people's support; it threatened the very existence of the empire. Mass movements had never been so radical and so popular before, during the previous crisis periods, such as the decline of the Achaemenid empire, the fall of the Seleucids or the collapse of Parthia.

Besides of Mazdakism, many other radical movements and cults existed during the end of the Sassanid empire. The traditional Zoroastrianism yielded to Manichaeism, Mithraism, Christianity and foreign cults.

Usually, the egalitarian and seclusive communities disappear as a new civilization arises. However, sometimes they transform into social institutions of the new civilization; for example, the early Christian seclusive communities turned into monasteries, which would become an important institution of the Medieval Europe. The monastic Buddhist communities underwent a similar transformation during the late Han dynasty in China, which was the period of a fatal crisis of the Confucian civilization and its replacement with the Buddhist one.

3) Rise of violence and terrorism, especially suicidal.
Violence always exist in the society, from common crime to uprisings and guerrilla fight. However, quite rarely it goes fanatical, self-destructive and suicidal. One of the first examples is the Zealot terror against the Romans in 1st century CE. Something similar we can observe in the late 19th - early 20th century in Russia (the Narodnaya Volya and other left-wing terrorists) and Balkan states (terror fight against the Turkish and Austrian rule). This was the period of a deep, probably fatal, crisis of the Orthodox Christian civilization, which played a crucial role in the Russian revolution and the history of 20th century Balkans. It is also highly probable that the current Islamic terrorism can be a symptom of a fatal crisis of the Islamic civilization.
/'The Birth of Christianity' by K.Pankratov/

The erosion of the base ideology of a civilization starts when the old ideology no longer satisfies the needs of the changed structure of society. Any attempts to preserve the old ideas make them an obstacle for development, while any reforms lead to spread of new ideas, contradicting with its original spirit, under the old name.

For example, the first strike on the Greco-Roman civilization was unintentionally made by Alexander the Great, who transformed the Greek city-states into an empire, which was an absolutely new type of state, unfamiliar for the Greeks. The Romans, who effectively converted into the Greek religion (with slightly altered names of gods) after the conquest of Greece, faced problems in governing and tried to solve them by adding a cult of emperors to the modified Greek pantheon. However, the real Roman emperors in their everyday life were not comparable with mythological Hercules; therefore, the cult of emperors undermined people's trust to the whole traditional religion. As the empire expanded and included more and more folks with different beliefs, the Greco-Roman religion underwent more "reforms", which turned it into a conglomerate of superstitions from all cultures in the empire. This chaotisation and profanation of the Greco-Roman religion discouraged intellectuals and youth from following it.

As Arnold Toynbee noticed, in such a situation of decay of the base ideology of a civilization, two opposite ways of thinking appear: "archaism", which advocates purification of the ideology and return to the origins, and "futurism", which calls to total break with the old traditions and to rebuilding of society based on new ideas. It is worth mentioning that a victory of "futurism" does not ultimately lead to progress. For example, Christianity was an ideology of "futurism" for the Roman empire, but its victory led to the greatest regress of knowledge and technology in the whole known history. Cultural achievements of the ancient Greeks and Romans were forgotten, and only by 17th-19th centuries the Western Europe reached the level of technology of the late Roman empire.

However, if the "futurism" wins, it moves society forward at least in some cases, while a victory of the "archaism" always leads to degradation. Nevertheless, the decay of an "archaised" civilization can be slow and last many centuries if no strong enemies are walking around. K.Pankratov calls such a state "zombie civilization".

Besides of these two, a third option exists that neither Toynbee nor Pankratov observe: what happens if, after the victory of "archaism", the civilization gets conquered by another one, or if its rulers start a massive project of catch-up modernization with borrowing of many elements from another culture. I will call such society "chimera"; its base ideology consists of two poorly compatible parts: a core of the old base ideology combined with a periphery borrowed from other cultures. The earliest example of chimera was the hellenized Ptolemaic Egypt.

Today we can see many such chimeras. During their modernization, Japan and South Korea imported and violently implemented many elements of the Western Christian civilization; in South Korea it included Christianity itself. Having seen their success, now China and Vietnam are going the same way. Turkey preserves its Islam, but also has experienced a period of introducing the Western cultural norms with police methods. India had been a Hindu-Islamic chimera before the British rule, when it turned Hindu-Western.

The fact that all modern chimeras have a Western periphery should be worrying for the whole humankind. In case of collapse of the Western Christian civilization, all countries that develop by following the Western examples (Japan, China, India etc.) can decline rapidly. The chimeric societies where anti-Western ideas are growing in popularity (Russia and Turkey), begin to stagnate already now.


4. The present situation

A comparison between today's Western society and the Roman empire shortly before its fall cannot surprise anybody now. Like the traditional Greco-Roman polytheism retreated under the pressure of new and foreign cults, Christianity now (especially in Europe) becomes rather a cultural tradition than a living faith. The very essence of Christianity gets altered under influence of the real worldview of people who still claim to be its followers. Even in old times priests did not like to really follow the Bible in their life, but now they totally ignore it, and care only about keeping their share of the religious market. Praising contraceptives and same-sex marriages, as well as ordination of women into bishops, totally contradicts with the religion they formally represent, but the requirements of our time force them to do so.

What can come after Christianity? Today's Westerners worry the most about the ongoing offensive of Islam. However, Islam is much weaker than it tries to seem. The only area where it achieves a real success is producing the false impression of being strong for those unfamiliar with the real situation in Islamic society. Flaunting of fanaticism and suicidal terrorism is not a sign of a successful, confident civilization; it is rather the opposite. Remember the history of World War II: all suicidal heroism of Soviet soldiers occurred in 1941-42, when the Red Army was mostly being defeated by the Wehrmacht; Japan also started to use the kamikaze when its inevitable defeat in the war became obvious. So, suicidal attacks are a tactic of the losers. How many contemporary writers, musicians or artists have come from the Islamic world? Maybe a specialist can mention a dozen of persons, but even they mostly represent the Turkish and Central Asian nations, where Islam was significantly pressed out by another culture. The most faithful Arabic countries are the same desert in cultural sense as in geographical one. Long ago the Arabs had their own famous scientists and poets, but those times are gone.

In fact, today's Islam stands on two pillars: lie and violence. If they were removed, it would collapse in a moment. Muslims live in the environment of lie about the world around them; only their believing in this lie keeps them in the ranks of sincere adherents of Islam. In some countries these sincere adherents still form a majority of the population, but in many others it is no longer so. The rest of Muslims is driven into the mosque with the other instrument — violence. A modern Muslim does not fear Allah so much as he fears his neighbors, who can always kill him for violating the Shariah law. Examples are easy to find; just see where the notorious suicidal terrorists come from.

In Europe, they are produced with lie. A Muslim man, father of many children, wants to earn more money for his family. Somebody offers him to transport a kind of illegal load for a high reward. He is not aware that the load contains a time or radio-controlled bomb... Afterward, the police is surprised: why a respectable school teacher, who has never shown any interest in fundamentalist ideas, becomes a suicidal terrorist?

In the Middle East, violence is a more effective instrument. If a girl has lost her virginity before marriage, what can she do? Either be condemned by the Shariah court and executed with all Medieval cruelties appropriate for such case, which also would mean a shame on her family and all relatives, — or die heroically for Islam's sake, killing a couple of damned Zionists; in the latter case, her family and all relatives would be glorified...

Now, decide by yourself, whether a strong and confident religion would assert itself by such a way.

What other alternatives to Christianity are available? Pankratov assumes in his work that Communism can return in some modified form, at least in the former Eastern Block countries. I disagree with him for the following reasons.

First, what is Communism in practice, not in Marx' books? what kind of new social mechanisms did it introduce? The idea that the state should guarantee a living wage for its citizens was already known to the ancient Romans, who demanded "Bread and circuses!" The idea that everybody should work for state services was already implemented in the Aztec and Inca empires. An institutionalized ruling party is not a Marxist invention either, nor is planned economy or state-regulated prices, not to say about a cult of the mummies of previous rulers.

The only really new idea in the Soviet-style communism is atheism as an official ideology of the state; this is unprecedented in known history. This is the real core of Communism as a base ideology for civilization. However, we can see now that this crucial idea of Communism is abandoned even by those who still claim to be communists. This means that the Soviet block was a failed civilization, like the Manicheans, Albigensians or Atenists. 20th century produced some other political ideologies that pretended to the role of base ideology for a new civilization: Nazism, South African racism, Juche – but they all failed.

Now we can conclude that neither the old established religions nor the political ideologies that once pretended to the role of religion can build the base for a new civilization that will come after Christianity sooner or later.

Nevertheless, the diversity of ideas in the modern Western society is tremendously large, which is usual for an epoch of decay of the old religion; something similar could be observed in Rome of 2nd-3rd centuries CE. One of these new ideas will probably become the base ideology of a new post-Christian Western civilization; we would like to see Satanism in this role. However, in order to achieve this, we need first to defeat our rivals. The strongest of them seem to be the following ones:
1) Ecoveganism, i.e. convergence of veganism and radical environmentalism. With a bit of fanaticism, it can seriously pretend to replace Christianity as the base ideology of the West. We have already seen fanatics in this camp, who can kill humans for the sake of animals (remember the assassination of Pim Fortuyn).
2) Rebranding of Christianity into a cult of aliens, such as Channeling, 'Third Appeal to Mankind' and other attempts to preach the Christian morality on behalf of extraterrestrials. It looks weird at the first glance, but can be dangerous, because people tend to get attracted by old ideas packed in a new exotic cover.
3) Simple succumbing to the gregarious instinct as a religion; for example, a neo-Nazi reaction on the arrival of non-white immigrants combined with "might is right" and some kind of neo-Paganism. If something like this wins, it can push Europe into the state of "zombie civilization" rather than become a new base ideology for long. However, for the progress of science and technology, a "zombified" Europe would be even worse than any religion shift.

As we can see, by now the rivals of Satanism are not unified and organized. Unfortunately, the same can be said about Satanists too. Nevertheless, in today's Western society some preconditions exist that give an advantage to Satanism:
1) Removing the taboo on sexuality. There is no absolute sexual freedom yet, but the achievements of the recent 50 years look impressive. This means that any ideology that calls to restore the anti-sexual moral norms has a low chance for success.
2) The secularization of everyday life and the spread of de-facto atheism even among people who still claim to be Christians. This is more visible in Europe than in America, but Europe has a greater chance to become the center of a new civilization anyway. Almost certainly, the next ideology of Europeans will be not a religion. (This also means that Satanists should not claim Satanism to be a religion either.)
3) The ongoing conflict between the modern and the medieval societies, which is positioned as clashes between the Western and the Islamic world. It can lead to a full-scale war against Islamic fundamentalism. This means that Satanists should draw people's attention to the fact of the close similarity between Islam and Christianity, and insist that any religion can lead to something like today's Islamic fundamentalism.


5. How we can win

History is made by personalities, but with a help from crowds. If we want to lead the development of the Western society into the way we like, we will need a crowd of enthusiastic, mostly young, people that have accepted Satanic ideas to some extent. Certainly, they will proudly call themselves Satanists while doing terribly stupid things. However, it would be even more stupid to try to expel such not-so-smart people from our ranks; this is exactly what LaVey meant under counter-productive pride. People following us will make lots of mistakes, but it is typical for any great historical event.

Direct propaganda is obviously not sufficient for spreading our ideas; for the recent decades, culture has been a much better way to popularize anything. We can observe it in the example of hippies, who did not have any explicit ideology and formulated their worldview in music and art, but they managed to change the world this way.

New Culture – this is what we need to create, because the existing culture is almost unusable for reaching our goals. For example, one can argue about the advantages of black metal music, but it is probably one person among 100 that likes it while 90 stop their ears as soon as they hear it; this means that as a mean for spreading our ideas, black metal is totally ineffective.

Now the most important of all arts is music. Therefore, a new style of music should become the core of the New Culture. It should sound pleasant or, at least, not disgusting for almost everybody. However, this will not be pops, because anything “pop” is conservative by its nature. We need a new, original style that will not contain anything extreme or anti-esthetic in its sound.

Another important area for our creativity will be animated films. They are popular among teenagers almost as much as music, and can be a powerful instrument of emotional impact. It is worth mentioning that both music and animation can be produced at home now, and it is going to become even easier and cheaper soon. In addition, we will produce computer games based on Satanic ideas and decorated in the style of the New Culture. All this will be distributed via Internet.

The New Culture will be totally alternative and unrelated to any show business; this is vitally important! Otherwise, the dealers of show business could commercialize it and turn into pops. This is the point where the New Culture must hold a principled position and draw a clear boundary between itself and everything that is produced for making money.

Certainly, youth will form a majority of the audience of the New Culture, because in most cases it is useless to call older people to support any radical changes. Therefore, the plot ideas of the New Culture will target mostly teenagers and contain Satanic ideas with strong emotional impact. Possible topics can be the following:

1. The new opportunities of the Satanic society.
The strongest accent will be put onto the absolute sexual freedom and absence of any control over people's sexuality from the state institutions. We need to excite the imagination of the audience by picturing all-pervading sex, and nudity available for watching at any moment. We can even promise that nobody will be lonely in the future Satanic society and everybody will be guaranteed a sexual partner; it is not impossible, though it will require some time to achieve and, therefore, probably will not be available for the first generation living under Satanic rule. In any case, the most important is to mention that Christianity is the only obstacle on the way to sexual happiness for everybody.

Another crucial point is new technologies and the opportunities they create; first of all, we need to talk about the progress in medicine and genetics that will extend the human lifetime to more than 100 years and will make possible to look young and beautiful for the whole life. The possibility to grow new organs for replacing the lost ones is also worth mentioning. Again, it will be accentuated and proved with many facts that Christianity and other monotheistic religions are inhibiting the researches in these areas, and rapid progress will begin as soon as monotheism is defeated.

2. The fear of negative tendencies in the existing society.
The New Culture will emphasize the danger of cyber-totalitarianism and total high-tech surveillance. Big Brother is already watching everybody with hidden cameras; especially much he is interested in what are you doing on your computer! It can be proved with many facts of arrests and condemnations for storing prohibited or pirated stuff. Some historical examples of totalitarian regimes are also worth mentioning, with a notice that those regimes did not have such technologies that are used for chasing "thought criminals" now.

In addition, we can draw attention to secret arrangements between the Western and the Islamic establishment, which probably aim to restore the old anti-sexual morality. Many facts can be demonstrated to prove it: from cooperation with the worst fundamentalist regimes to the ban on topless sunbathing in Paris after the protests of local Muslims.

It is important to emphasize that the current state of affairs is unstable; there is either the Satanic society or the new Middle Ages to come. Join the Satanic movement today, or tomorrow you can be imprisoned for watching porno on your laptop! — this will be the message of the New Culture to the younger generation.

3. The superiority of Satanists over other people.
The New Culture will take for granted that Satanism is the most advanced philosophy and the most convenient lifestyle. It will laugh at poor old Christians, who are creating restrictions for themselves for their whole life, instead of opening their mind to unlimited freedom. It can be supplemented with the idea of superiority of the young. Technology is developing so fast now that old people, who got a dumb Christian upbringing, cannot catch up to it and try to slow down this process with bans on cloning research and file sharing... — many comic plots in the New Culture can be based on this.

However, it would be stupid and self-harming to use images of burning churches or any other destructive actions. We need from the young to put their energy into building a new society and to have no sympathies for the old order and its supporters.

4. Fixing the bugs in the already existing post-Christian culture.
The New Culture will consistently state:
– bisexuality as a norm (debunking the myth of "sexual orientations");
– the absence of any food restrictions (debunking the myth of vegetarianism as a healthy lifestyle);
– the freedom of appearance and clothing style (no restrictions on nudity and no dress-code either).

So, the genres of utopia and dystopia will prevail in the New Culture, the culture of the new youth movement that puts the Satanic ideas into practice.

As for the structure of the movement, we can learn much from the hippies; their experience is applicable to the present situation to a large extent. Building the Satanic society will start from alternative communes of people creating and enjoying the New Culture. In this regard, we have a great advantage over the hippies of 60s: Internet, where we can communicate, earn money and spread our culture. The movement will become a kind of new ethnicity, the Future Folk.

It will be important to emphasize the idea of an intrinsic difference between the Satanic movement and other people; it should not be like "playing and coming back to mom". The theory of indigo children can be useful for us to insist on our difference from others. The members of the Satanic movement have to feel that they are different from common people to such an extent that no mutual understanding is possible. Notice that this is exactly the way that led Christianity and Buddhism to success: building a parallel social structures with a completely different culture and identity.


6. Conclusion

A Satanic society and even a Satanic civilization is no longer a utopia. Just now, in the next several decades, a rare window of opportunity opens for us. Satanism can get out of catacombs and become the ruling ideology in Europe and probably some other regions of the Western world.

However, with today's level of global communications, geography does not matter so much as before. Everybody who lives in a place where Internet access and freedom of creativity exist can participate in creating the New Culture, which appears to be our most important task for the near future.

It is not easy to predict now, under what circumstances the establishing of Satanism as the new base ideology will happen. It can be a revolution, or radical reforms inside the existing democratic system, or even gradual evolution of society with alternation of generations. Probably, some dramatic event (like exposure of joint terror actions of Muslim and Christian fundamentalist groups, for example) will become the last straw to break the patience of young people and call them to radical social changes. It is important for Satanism to gain serious influence onto society by that moment; at least, Satanism needs to be seriously considered as a possible alternative even by its non-supporters. This is why we have to start doing something for the future already now, instead of just chatting on the web. If we do so, we have a chance to see a pentagram on top of the Eiffel tower.


Appendix. The Satanic civilization: how it can look like

One of the institutions that needs to be radically changed, if not created from scratch, is the education system. The existing school, which originates from pedagogues of 17th century, is often an obstacle for development of personality rather than an instrument for it. So much is taught purely for the sake of tradition, while really necessary knowledge is inadequately represented in the schedule or even banned for political or religious reasons.

An individual approach to each student is necessary, not only in planning the study program, but also in the methods of teaching. The tests and other methods for identifying the relevant personal traits exist already, but pedagogical traditions and political issues hinder their use.

By the way, do we need school in its current form at all? What if home-schooling, assisted by teachers that communicate with the students via Internet, can be more effective? This is an actual topic for professional discussions. However, it is indisputable that the Satanic education system must deal better with identifying and developing potential talents of students.

A more efficient education system, together with removing any religious restrictions, will contribute to more intensive progress of science and technology in the Satanic society. One of the most important areas of advance will be improving humans as species by using genetic engineering. It is not a dream, but an economic necessity. With advance of technology, the amount of knowledge and skills needed for becoming a professional grows continuously. Also it is impractical to spend the most active young age for education instead of productive work. This means that the amount of knowledge to teach needs to be increased while the time period for learning it must be reduced. A 14 y.o. "wunderkind" entering the university has to become a norm, not a rare sensation for journalists. In order to achieve this, mere educational reforms are not enough; humans themselves need to be improved as well. It could be possible even now; some technologies already exist, but kept in disuse due to political restrictions and lack of funding. The Satanic civilization will not have such problems; the freedom of scientific research will be guaranteed there to the same extent as the freedom of private life.

The latter needs to be specially mentioned, because the extent of influence of Christian moral restrictions, as well as the false stereotypes originated from inconsistent and half-hearted attempts to circumvent these restrictions, is so large that even many Satanists cannot imagine the degree of freedom that will become possible after cleansing the culture from all traces of Christianity. Therefore, it needs to be emphasized that in the Satanic civilization no restrictions on voluntary sex with any partner at any place and time will be possible. The same can be said about nudity. Such words like "obscene", "indecent" etc. will be absent from the language of the Satanic civilization.

This also means that in the Satanic society there will be no family in its current, i.e. Christian, meaning. We can already see now that less and less couples want to marry officially. Whether it is advisable to register the fact of cohabitation of people, will be just an issue of tax collecting organization. I think it is not advisable, because the less bureaucratic formalities we have, the more convenient our life will be.

As for children, I suppose that the time has already come to recognize the obvious fact: it is a hard job to give birth and raise a child. This job requires certain skills, which will be taught in the new education system, and this job needs to be paid as well, especially when dealing with the new genetically engineered children.

In general, it can be stated that the Satanic society will be more diverse and interesting than the existing one. Utopia fiction writers often picture their future society to be based on elementary logic and to use simple and effective means for solving complicated problems. But in the real history we can see that society is always going more complicated as technologies develop. This means that Satanists will be pioneers in creating new social structures that has not existed before.