Satan in History
History has always been distorted according to the political situation. "Who controls the past, controls the future", — this statement of G. Orwell is true not only concerning totalitarian regimes. At all times, preachers has been garbling history in order to bring it into line with the dogmas of their religion, governments has been doing it for their political goals, as well as ideologists of nationalism who pretend to show their folk as an ancient one.
However, some historical evidences stay beyond the control of any players on the political scene. First of all, these are the ancient artifacts not found yet by archeologists, and also, myths and legends that pass from generation to generation. Folklore has even some advantage over written sources, because it's not so easy to "correct" it according to the ruling ideology. Therefore, anybody who wants to "control the past", needs to take this into account and to attack with a flanking manoeuvre instead, i.e. with theories about a fictional nature of mythology, which claim it to be a product of the wild fantasy of primeval people.
Nevertheless, again and again, archeological discoveries disprove the opinion on the ancient myths as being simply a fiction (as people were thinking in the 19th century) or a reflection of human psyche (as was postulated in the 20th).
Heinrich Schliemann denied the commonly accepted notion of the Ancient Greek mythology as absolutely unreal and rushed for searching the "mythic" gold of Troy — and he did find it! Historians disputed for a while on whether it was exactly the mythological Troy... But in the upshot they had to recognize the fact. However, they left the question of discordance between the theory and the facts out — what a mere trifle! it's not worth rejecting such opportune theory because of it...
But the seeds of doubt had been sown, and there came the followers of Schliemann. Curious things began to appear one after another. The 20th century was marked with discoveries that forced the scientific community to recognize the real events of the past to be correctly described in the Old Testament. The ruins of Babylon were excavated, and the artifacts found that proved the existence of folks that were mentioned in the Old Testament but considered non-existent before. The location of the fallen walls of Jericho still makes the scientists scratch their head...
/A. Sklyarov 'The Myth of Mythological Consciousness'/
However, in such a case, what should we do with mythological characters whose power and abilities seem unrealistic to us now?
In order to see not a fiction behind the mythology, but a logically consistent description of reality, it's necessary to make one more step: to assume the possibility of civilizations, more advanced than ours, to exist and to contact with our ancestors.
/A. Sklyarov 'The Myth of Mythological Consciousness'/
There are not just myths and legends as the evidence of existence of such civilizations on Earth in the past.
1. Remains of many ancient buildings exist that could be problematic to create even with the modern construction technology. First of all, it's the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico and the megalithic constructions of Inca cities. The traditional assumption of historians that they were build with primitive tools of wood, stone and copper (the Ancient Egyptians did not know even bronze by the officially claimed date of building the pyramids!) is not proved with the facts.
In 1978 a group of Japanese researchers tried to build a smallish pyramid using the tools available to the Ancient Egyptians. The process of construction was filmed, but the film failed to become a sensation. In order to build an 11 m high pyramid, the scientists had to abandon the levers, ropes and slanting planes, and to turn to the modern cranes, bulldozers and winches. The results of their work were described in the book, significantly named 'How the pyramid was not built'.
/V. Tanasenko 'Undiscovered Secrets of Lost Civilizations'/
Adherents of the official version tried to experimentally prove the possibility to transport stone blocks by using only primitive means, such as stones and wooden logs. However, they were dealing only with small blocks, not heavier than several tons. In order to move stones of hundreds of tons this way, adding more haulers at the rope would not be a solution, but the entire techniques need to be changed, which is obvious to any competent specialist in building industry. Moreover, the experimenters did not go the whole way from the quarry to the construction site.
At the same time, there is Garcilaso de la Vega's evidence of an unfortunate attempt of the Incas themselves. According to him, one of the Inca emperors called 20,000 men and ordered them to set a fallen-out stone back to its place. That operation ended tragically: the huge block fell loose and killed thousands of people.
Hence, evaluation of the possibility to transport heavy stone blocks with the primitive techniques of the Incas disproves the official version techniques rather than confirms it.
/A. Sklyarov 'Ollantaytambo, a Witness of the Deluge'/
2. Some nations keep and hand down information that they could not get from their known history and practical experience.
The Oronteus Finaeus Map takes the civilization of the original map-makers back to a time contemporary with the end of the last Ice Age in the northern hemisphere... It did indeed show non-glacial conditions in coastal regions of Antarctica, notably Queen Maud Land, Enderby Land, Wilkes Land, Victoria Land (the east coast of the Ross Sea), and Marie Byrd Land. As in the case of the Piri Reis Map, the general profile of the terrain, and the visible physical features, matched closely seismic survey maps of the subglacial land surfaces of Antarctica.
/G. Hancock 'Fingerprints of the Gods'/
This statement of the Dogon can seem nothing more than a beautiful myth if it were not for an important circumstance. Sirius B is a star invisible for the naked eye; it was discovered only in the late 19th century. Furthermore, the Dogon claimed for Po-Tolo to be so heavy that "all people in the world together can't lift even a small piece of it". Only the modern science has stated that 1 cm3 of Sirius B stuff weighs about 50 tons. But this is not all yet! The Dogon assert existence of one more invisible star in the Sirius system, Emme-Ya-Tolo. In the modern science, this can be the hypothetical Sirius C, which causes heated arguments among astronomers. The Dogon mythology contains some more information on space, passing verbally from generation to generation, because the Dogon have no writing and still live in the stone age. They, for example, know some satellites of Jupiter, discovered by the Europeans only with a telescope. The Dogon call the Alpha Crucis "Double Eye of the World", but this star looks double only through a telescope. They know about the rings of Saturn. Moreover, their mythology tells about the "Spiral of Stars", but the modern science has only recently discovered the spiral form of our Galaxy.
/V. Tanasenko 'Undiscovered Secrets of Lost Civilizations'/
3. In the myths, the gods are attributed to possess the technologies that hardly could be imaginable for peoples who only recently got out of the primitive state. First of all, extremely powerful weapons are mentioned:
In 'Mausola Parva' there is a strange description, incomprehensible for us, as well as for the 19th century's ethnographers. It looks so: "This unknown weapon is an iron lightning, a giant messenger of death that turned the Vrishnis and the Andhakas into ashes. The charry corpses were unidentifiable. Hair and nails fell out; pots become broken without any apparent cause; birds turned white. In some hours all food went toxic. The lightning turned into thin powder."
/L. Pauwels, J. Bergier 'The Morning of the Magicians'/
This is not mere words. As it will be shown later, some evidence of usage of such weapons in the past are already found.
Secondly, the myths often mention what we call "unidentified flying objects" as an attribute of the gods' life.
The Asuras escaped rising above the sky in their flying cities, which shone with many lights... The Asuras turned their flying cities sometimes to the stars, sometimes along the sky, and sometimes into the ocean.
/N. Guseva 'Myths of the Ancient India'/
The ancient Germans stated that their ancestors had come in "flying towers"... The Tiajuanca Incas had a legend about a golden ship, which had come from the stars. It was piloted by a woman named "Flying Tiger". She had given knowledge to people, and then ordered to bring her on the top of the mountain, where she disappeared in thunder and lightnings.
/M. Karpenko 'Universe Sapiens'/
Not just mentionings of ancient aircrafts, but even a treatise on their construction and piloting exists — 'Vimanika Shastra'. Most of it is still incomprehensible for us due to unknown terminology, but the deciphered parts are proved by modern researches.
Three substances — two solid and one liquid — were synthesized according to the formulas from the treatise, as Dr. Narin Sheth reported at the symposium "Science and technics of the Ancient India" in Hyderabad.
/B. Zaytzev, S. Bulantzev 'Vimanas, the Aircrafts of the Ancient India'/
Possibly, the legendary flying dragons are a conventionalized representation of the gods' aircrafts.
4. However, the most significant evidence seems to be the finds of human-like skulls, elongated in the occipital part and having a greater cranial vault than in humans.
The enormity of the cranial vault is obvious from all three pictures. By interpolation, we can estimate the minimum cranial capacity at 2200 ccm, but the value can be as high as 2500 ccm...
The "M" type of skull is incomplete, as the lower part of the facial area is concerned. What is apparent from the remnants of the facial portion is that the characteristics are entirely within the range of a normal human skull. The cranial vault, on the other hand, is the largest amongst the displayed specimens. Also, the two protruding "lobes" are highly anomalous. The cranial capacity can be estimated safely above 3000 ccm mark...
Any conjectures that what these specimens represent are simply deformations or pathological cases can be hardly substantiated. Anomalous types of growth or shapes appear from time to time in the modern human population, however, these occurrences are still within the range of the given species. The largest skull documented in the medical literature had the cranial capacity of 1980 ccm, however, the shape of the skull was normal.
/L. Janku 'Skulls from Ica, Peru and Merida, Mexico'/
Notice that the Ancient Egyptians pictured their gods exactly with this form of skull!
Now, recollect the tradition of some South American tribes to purposely deform heads of their children, clutching them between boards for a long time in order to get a stretched form of skull. The purpose of this procedure, very painful for a child, is to make him resemble the gods...
However, by means of the above mentioned cruel procedure with boards it is possible to produce the lengthened form of head, but not to increase the cranium volume!..
/A. Sklyarov 'The Gods’ Homeland: What Is It Like?'/
Isolated instances of finding such unidentifiable skulls are evidence that the community of gods on Earth was not numerous. This corresponds to the mythology, which mentions not more than tens of gods for each ancient folk. A special case is India, where millions of gods claimed to exist, but not more than a hundred of them are described in the myths.
Notice that in the mythology of different nations, not only allusions on conflicts between the "gods" can be found, but also almost direct indications of the "political" reason for their arrival at Earth. Actually, with a high degree of certainty, this motive underlies the well-known biblical story about overthrowing the fallen angels from the heavens...
/A. Sklyarov 'The Gods’ Homeland: What Is It Like?'/
The fact that the gods were small in population, and that the mythology does not mention any arrival of other gods later (only birth of new gods to old ones) — these all corresponds with the version that they were refugees, who had fled after the failure of their revolt. Also, it needs to be mentioned that, by their arrival at Earth, the gods did not bring any instruments or materials for building up infrastructure that would correspond to their level of technology. Can you imagine that a civilization, more advanced than ours is today, would be used to construct any buildings merely of huge stone blocks, even without cement? It implies that the pyramids of Egypt, as well as the other megalithic constructions, were build in a hurry, from materials at hand, and with tools designed for some other work than building. However, the technologies of the gods are a topic for another investigation, still waiting for its researcher. According to the myths, the gods took only their knowledge and what was easy to take; particularly, seeds of the plants they needed for food.
Our ancestors were absolutely confidant that everything was done on initiative and under control of the gods, who had come from the sky. Those gods initiated the human civilization in general, and gave crops and agricultural methods to people.
The most noteworthy is the fact that such point of view dominates in all known regions where ancient civilizations developed.
To Mexico, maize was brought by the great god Quetzalcoatl. The god Viracocha taught agriculture to the people of Peruvian Andes. Osiris gave agricultural techniques to the Egyptians and Ethiopians. The Sumerians were accustomed to growing crops by Enki and Enlil, the gods who had come from the skies and brought seeds of wheat and barley. The Chinese got help in mastering agriculture from the "Heavenly Genii", while the "Lords of Wisdom" brought formerly unknown cereals and fruit trees to Tibet.
Another remarkable fact is that nowhere, not in a single myth or legend, people tried to claim developing the agriculture to their own merit!
Surely, the gods had to solve many other problems. Any productive agriculture required the settled way of life and a greater density of population than by hunters and gatherers, which, on the one hand, made controlling the process by the gods simpler, but on the other hand, required to introduce some norms of people’s behavior for the new social order. One entailed another inevitably...
It’s clear that "natural" developing of such norms by the people themselves could have lasted for quite a long time; it certainly would not be good for the agricultural productivity. The process should not be allowed to take its own course; therefore, the gods tackled the issue by themselves.
This is just what the myths tell us: in all regions where agriculture and civilization "began", the legends state that the same gods established moral rules for people to live together settledly. Indirectly it’s confirmed by the archeological findings that demonstrate "sudden" appearing of quite highly developed civilizations (the Egyptians, the Indians etc.) without any preliminary stages. This fact can find no "natural" explanation at all...
/A. Sklyarov 'The Heritage of the Drunken Gods'/
According to archeological data, people mastered agriculture about the 13th millennium BCE. The first contact of humans with the civilization of the gods can date from this time or a little earlier.
In the beginning, the gods appeared to be a united solidary group...
In the holy hymns of Rigveda, which keep the memories of what had been before the Time, might and glory of the Devas and the Asuras are equally praised. Also some Devas are called Asuras — Varuna, Indra, Surya. It’s told that Agni, who ignites everything as straw, is peer to the Asuras.
What they differed from the Devas is their magical power. With it, they could create visible things from invisible ones and hearable sounds from unhearable ones, and gain control over things that had belonged to other gods. When Varuna, the lord of oceans, got short in power to gather clouds and to make them pour in rain, he asked the Asuras to help him with their sorcery. And, although the secret art of magic was not known to the Devas, all the Celestials were united and indivisible it time and space...
/N. Guseva 'Myths of the Ancient India'/
However, later the gods on Earth split into two groups. The myths associate them with different generations: the Olympic Gods are children of the Titans, and the Devas are younger brothers of the Asuras. Some day they started a war on ideological motives, which is known as "fight between the Good and the Evil".
As it’s proved by Dr. Bentley, the war of the Titans against the Gods, described by Hesiod, is identical in everything but names to the war of the Asuras, or the Tarakamayas, against the Devas in the Purana legends.
So, from the cosmological point of view, all the defeated Dragons and Serpents are rebellious, impetuous, disorderly creatures of Chaos. In the 'Book of the Dead' those creatures are called "Sons of the Revolt".
/H. Blavatsky 'The Secret Doctrine', vol. 3/
As already mentioned, the gods possessed extremely powerful weapons; this is why their war entailed disastrous consequences for the human civilization.
Thus, being guided by Manetho's data, which set quite strict temporal limits, it turns out that between 3500 and 3100 BCE a large territory, at least from Central Europe to India, underwent some dramatic events and somewhere did not survive through them...
At the same time, the Mohenjo-Daro civilization perished without remains and without any visible cause...
/A. Sklyarov 'The Tower of Babylon'/
Moreover, the Mohenjo-Daro civilization did not simply decline, but was destroyed with the weapons described in the Indian myths.
Cities rarely decline suddenly, but everything in Mohenjo-Daro displays that the catastrophe came in a moment. There are no signs of flooding or any other natural disaster. Could it be plague? But epidemics don’t strike instantly. People were walking in the streets as usual; it’s apparent in several groups of skeletons. Could it be an assault with ordinary weapons? But not a single skeleton has signs of blows. Maybe a meteorite? But there are no typical signs.
However, the ruins of the city within a radius of 400 m keep vestiges of sudden and rapid melting under temperature higher than 1000oC. Signs of a powerful explosion are also present. Careful study of these signs leads to the conclusion about existence of an epicenter typical for nuclear explosions; severity of destructions decreases from the center to the periphery. Houses on the outskirts, for instance, remain quite safe.
/B. Shurinov 'A Paradox of the 20th Century'/
This does not mean that the weapon was exactly nuclear. The gods could have a technology unknown to us. There are reasons to suppose that the "good" gods not only fought against the "evil" ones, put purposely destroyed human cities in order to wipe out all the knowledge that people had received from the gods.
So, for the period from the middle of the 5th to the end of the 4th millennium BCE the developed agricultural civilization was being destroyed not only in its economy, but also in its ideology. Only after thousands of years, miserable remains of the previous culture gave birth to the Crete-Minoan civilization and to the Ancient Greece (this, however, under strong influence of the Phoenicians)...
The author is inclined to agree with H. Blavatsky that a sharp ideological disagreement underlies the war between the "Good" and the "Evil". It was not only a fight for power, but a hard-edged civil war between two antagonistic ideologies, which could end only with extermination of the other party.
According to H. Blavatsky (not going into details), the one party staked on cognition, on what we now call science, while the other chose faith. The result is well known: the supporters of faith won. Naturally, the winner declared himself the "Good" and the beaten the "Evil"; he barely could do otherwise. As a result, a paradoxical situation has arisen in mythology: the "evil" gods and the dragons/serpents gave knowledge to people, while the "good" ones appealed to blind faith. Not accidentally even in the Old Testament, the so-called "original sin" lies in breaking the "good god’s" ban on tasting the fruit of the tree of knowledge, as the "evil" Serpent encouraged Adam and Eve...
A careful observer can find a chronological consecution of two independent strata in this mass of contradictions. The first one is related to the so-called civilizer gods. They helped the humanity to overcome the consequences of the Deluge, taught handicrafts and basic knowledge. The other stratum in mythology accentuates human’s destiny to serve the gods; such idea begins to dominate in the later myths...
While the "first wave" of the gods obviously aims at raising the human civilization up to the gods’ level (the progressorship described by A. Strugatsky and B. Strugatsky) and sees nothing blameworthy in it — the "second wave" has a directly opposite point of view. People’s wish to get the knowledge of the gods, to compare with the gods, etc. — seems to the gods of the "second wave" as an encroachment on their monopoly and their power over humans. What other way than "transgression" and "arrogance" can it be called in their eyes?
This is the cause of the global dramatic events of the 4th millennium BCE! The goal of the gods from the "second wave" after their victory was not simply to "punish the guilty" — but to make the humanity totally change its mind and turn from a "younger brother" to a serf, to "show the apes their right place", to prevent them from reaching the sky where the gods came from...
/A. Sklyarov 'The Tower of Babylon'/
Some cultures claim to know the exact date of the end of the war between the gods. The Indians attribute it to 3102 BCE (the zero point of the Kali Yuga era), the Maya mention 3114 BCE. Since the war of the gods was fought everywhere around the world, operations at different fronts could have ended at different time.
Denying humans the knowledge of the gods after the war led inevitably to the loss of that knowledge. We can observe this in the "strange" and quite well known fact of degradation of the cultural attainments in some areas. This fact is severely inconvenient for historians that stand on the official point of view, which sees history as a persistent development from the primitive to the modern state. Instead of gradual accumulation of knowledge in mathematics and astronomy (including the development of calendar), we can observe a system of knowledge, descended "from nothing and nowhere" and constantly degrading. This process can be observed almost in every ancient culture that we know from archeological evidences. For instance, the Zapotec and Toltec calendar is simpler and less accurate than the one of their ancestors, the Maya, whose calendar shows greater accuracy than our modern one. In Mesopotamia, gradual simplification of practical methods of calculation is observed; obviously, those methods were simply learnt by heart. Modern researchers see an incomprehensible but harmonious logical system under them. Still no factual evidence of gradual build-up of that knowledge is found.
Notice that the process of degradation included the areas of knowledge that are not related to everyday life of humans as serfs of the gods...
/A. Sklyarov 'The Tower of Babylon'/
We know the leader of the "evil" gods in the war under the name Satan, while the leader of the revolt, which resulted in their "fall" onto Earth, is known as Lucifer. However, the names should be treated with caution, especially when we are dealing with texts written much later than the events they describe happened. Certainly, the names Satan, Lucifer, Belial, Leviathan, etc. were made up by humans and are not the real names of the Dark Gods. Unfortunately, we don’t know and hardly ever will know their real names. Thus, let the leader of the revolt in the world of the gods be conventionally called Lucifer, the leader of the Dark side in the war of the gods — Satan, and the generalized abstract image of a Dark God in literature will be named Devil. We can’t even be sure of the point whether Satan and Lucifer are different persons. It’s theoretically possible that these are the two different names of the same personality, because, according to the Ancient Egyptian chronicles, the gods lived for up to thousands of years (which also seems to be a necessity for interstellar flights).
According to Manetho, rule of pharaohs was preceded by four other dynasties: two dynasties of gods, a dynasty of half-gods and a transitional dynasty. Firstly, Egypt was ruled for 12,300 years by the seven great gods: Ptah governed for 9,000 years, then Ra for 1,000 years, Shu for 700 years, Geb for 500 years; Osiris ruled for 450 years, Set for 350 years and Horus for 300 years...
/A. Sklyarov 'The Tower of Babylon'/
On the other hand, 10,000 years is an extremely long term even for the gods; it’s also hardly probable that no new merited leader appeared among them for such a long time.
It’s also impossible to assert whether Satan is still alive now. But, if Satan and Lucifer are different persons and Satan was young during the war of the gods — he could possibly survive by now, because the myths don't contain any allusions to his possible death. In any case, Satan and Lucifer left their brilliant trace in the history of civilization on Earth, and many eminent persons are inspired with their example.
Where can the Dark Gods be now, and what can they be doing? The mythology states that they stayed on Earth after the war, but turned to underground life, even in the literal sence.
But the defeated Asuras were thrown from the skies and forever stayed enemies of the gods. They found new refuges for them on and under the ground, and on the ocean floor...
/N. Guseva 'Myths of the Ancient India'/
It corresponds with the legends about the Hell under the ground and about underground land of Shambala, as well as with numerous cases of observing UFOs appeared from caves and from the sea. However, the latter can have other explanations. Because the gods don’t enter into direct contact with humans now, we know nothing about their present life.
Anyway, one point is now clear: the myths describe real historical events of the distant past, which include an influence of a higher-developed extraterrestrial civilization (the gods) onto the human history. Satan and Lucifer are real historical figures, known under different names in different cultures.
Why we observe a mint of hypotheses about peculiarities of primitive thinking, which allegedly made up the myths, and only our knowledge of history is considered real? Where did such narrow-mindedness come from?..
The author sees an answer in two plainly subjective reasons.
"The gods in their superhuman might and beauty lived some time at the top of snow-covered mountains, in the dark of caves, woods and seas. Later they merged into the one god, and then this god became man. But now the gods are gathered inside an ordinary individuum: they are the same way mighty and cause the same tremble, despite of their new vestment — they became psychological functions." /C.-G. Jung 'Psychology and Religion'/.
Oh, how flattering it is for human’s vanity! It’s him who made up these gods! so he’s superior to them! This is an affective emotional motive for success of the "mythological consciousness" theory, the first subjective reason. But suddenly, it's being proposed to recognize the fact of not mere existence of an extraterrestrial civilization, but its active influence on events on Earth! it’s scandalous!
But, dear reader, does not it remind you of the story about Ptolemy and Copernicus? Is not it already time for humanity to stop viewing itself as the hub of the universe? Is not it time to recognize that we are not the only, but an ordinary, civilization, on an ordinary planet, orbiting around an ordinary star at outskirts of an ordinary galaxy?
Yes, it’s not easy. It’s even harder than supposing the existence of sentient life somewhere far in Space, because OUR life is an issue in this case.
Moreover, this issue extends far out of the limits of mere recognition of the facts from our history. If an extraterrestrial civilization interfered into our life in the distant past, it would be foolish to reject the possibility of such interference in the present and future! And this leads us onto a new bunch of questions and to a fundamentally different view on life in general. What can such an interference be like? What goals can it have? Where will it lead us?
We know well, where the "attainments of civilization" have led the native peoples of the Americas after Columbus’s discovery. They either were wiped out or lost their originality, their own way of development.
How is it for you? Is not such a perspective dreadful?
Extraterrestrials interfered in our life. "What a horror!" — is a usual reaction on it. "What a horror!" — cried Jung after having researched the subconsciousness.
But, even if it’s really a horror, what does it matter? Emotions can’t be a criterion for objective existence of a fact; it simply exists!
/A. Sklyarov 'The Myth of Mythological Consciousness'/